60 Solutions. Written by the GoodPlanet Foundation, it was distributed on Saturday at the United Nations as the official Climate Summit book, before being given tomorrow to all Heads of State. Today, 60 Solutions also exists in an electronic version for all to read. To call for action against climate change, a People’s Climate March was held yesterday in many world capitals: Paris, London, Berlin, Melbourne, New Delhi, Rio… Sunday late morning in New York, 310,000 people left Central Park alongside the Secretary General of the UN Ban Ki-moon, former Vice-President Al Gore, the mayor of New York Bill de Blasio, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs Laurent Fabius, Minister of Ecology Ségolène Royal, the actor Leonardo DiCaprio, messenger of Peace on the climate issue, and Yann Arthus-Bertrand. For the occasion, we have handed Ban Ki-moon the book 60 Solutions against climate change. « 60 Solutions » is meant to show that global warming is not merely a problem. It is also a flurry of solutions and opportunities that have already popped out from civil society, from corporations, from institutions and from individuals as well Tomorrow, September 23, 120 Heads of State and Government will meet at the UN. With 60 Solutions, we hope to contribute to a decisive moment that will push politicians to make concrete commitments before the international conference in Paris, « COP 21, » in December 2015. >